Tears. Marina Popova

4 июля 2012 - Марина Попова



Marina Popova






Tears were running down endlessly. The psychologists said that “crying is useful because harmful substances come out of body with tears!” That is why her tears were showering from her eyes and harmful substances seemed to come out of her body. However, she did not feel better and continued crying.




She was all caught up in her grief that she forgot about everything that was happening around. Her tears were about to flood the whole World when suddenly she found herself surrounded by the sea lapping. She was far from being a good swimmer, but the water kept flowing up.




“What should I do?”, she thought having stopped crying. As soon as she calmed down, she noticed that the water stopped flowing.




“I’m drowning!”, she moaned, when she understood that she couldn’t get out. Unfortunately it was too far away from the shore for anyone to hear her call for help. She immediately stopped willing to clear her organism from unhealthy substances. She didn’t like it at all to sit on the desert island all alone.




For the first time she looked at the situation without tears, “Who came up with the idea to clean the body from harmful substances with tears?! It is not life but production of salty water. I can’t even see the shore!”




As soon as new thoughts occurred to her, the water started to drop back. She looked at herself over again, this time with dry eyes, and felt herself so happy that she burst out laughing. She was laughing without stop, and her laugh made surrounding salty water dry fast. There was only salt left.





She saw the boy running toward her from the shore. He was running and shouting, “Mum! Finally I have found you!!! Where have you been for so long? I missed you so much!!!” The boy rushed to embrace his mother and held her tight. She realized that while falling for gloomy thoughts she forgot about her son, who needed love and care of both parents. However, she didn’t have time for regrets, because she had a great deal to do.




While taking care of her child she took comfort and smile returned to her face. “I have wasted so much time! – she repented – My heart was covered with ice, and I forgot about the child!”





She let all the pain out of her heart and it’s filled with warmth and peace. And as soon as she came to terms with herself, she met the one. He confessed to her that “he had been waiting for so long till she drained the sea of tears around for him to approach!” At that very moment she realized that there is no place for tears anymore and she must be happy and thankful for what had happened to her.




From then on she has never tried to make harmful substances come out of the body with tears. In fact, she didn’t have to cry any more, because she loved. She loved her son. She loved Him. She loved her past. If it hadn’t been for her past, she would not have met the one she dreamed of all her life. And she loved her destiny. She became happy. When she became happy she loved the whole World. And she forgot about tears forevermore.





Автор работы  Angel with bird   Татьяна Олес


Перевод Татьяны Масленниковой.



© Copyright: Марина Попова, 2012

Регистрационный номер №0060026

от 4 июля 2012

[Скрыть] Регистрационный номер 0060026 выдан для произведения:


Marina Popova



Tears were running down endlessly. The psychologists said that “crying is useful because harmful substances come out of body with tears!” That is why her tears were showering from her eyes and harmful substances seemed to come out of her body. However, she did not feel better and continued crying.


She was all caught up in her grief that she forgot about everything that was happening around. Her tears were about to flood the whole World when suddenly she found herself surrounded by the sea lapping. She was far from being a good swimmer, but the water kept flowing up.


What should I do?”, she thought having stopped crying. As soon as she calmed down, she noticed that the water stopped flowing.


I’m drowning!”, she moaned, when she understood that she couldn’t get out. Unfortunately it was too far away from the shore for anyone to hear her call for help. She immediately stopped willing to clear her organism from unhealthy substances. She didn’t like it at all to sit on the desert island all alone.


For the first time she looked at the situation without tears, “Who came up with the idea to clean the body from harmful substances with tears?! It is not life but production of salty water. I can’t even see the shore!”


As soon as new thoughts occurred to her, the water started to drop back. She looked at herself over again, this time with dry eyes, and felt herself so happy that she burst out laughing. She was laughing without stop, and her laugh made surrounding salty water dry fast. There was only salt left.


She saw the boy running toward her from the shore. He was running and shouting, “Mum! Finally I have found you!!! Where have you been for so long? I missed you so much!!!” The boy rushed to embrace his mother and held her tight. She realized that while falling for gloomy thoughts she forgot about her son, who needed love and care of both parents. However, she didn’t have time for regrets, because she had a great deal to do.


While taking care of her child she took comfort and smile returned to her face. “I have wasted so much time! – she repented – My heart was covered with ice, and I forgot about the child!”


She let all the pain out of her heart and it’s filled with warmth and peace. And as soon as she came to terms with herself, she met the one. He confessed to her that “he had been waiting for so long till she drained the sea of tears around for him to approach!” At that very


moment she realized that there is no place for tears anymore and she must be happy and thankful for what had happened to her.

From then on she has never tried to make harmful substances come out of the body with tears. In fact, she didn’t have to cry any more, because she loved. She loved her son. She loved Him. She loved her past. If it hadn’t been for her past, she would not have met the one she dreamed of all her life. And she loved her destiny. She became happy. When she became happy she loved the whole World. And she forgot about tears forevermore.




Автор работы  Angel with bird   Татьяна Олес


Перевод Татьяны Масленниковой.





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Комментарии (38)
0 # 4 июля 2012 в 15:49 +3
Мариночка, вы еще и переводите!Не знала. А сказка- то знакомая! Слезы. Спасибо за сказку! buket1
Но иногда так хочется поплакать))))
Марина Попова # 4 июля 2012 в 15:52 +3

Милая Танюша, насмешила от Души!!!
Это моя сказка! На англ. язык её перевела мне
Татьяна Масленникова, внизу я написала!

"Перевод Татьяны Масленниковой." santa
0 # 4 июля 2012 в 16:52 +3
Я и удивилась))) Я знаю, что сказка твоя, просто подумала, что ты перевела на английский))))А про Таню и не прочла, извини.
Марина Попова # 5 июля 2012 в 04:51 +3

Солнышко, за что - извини?!
Спасибо огромное за внимание и прочтение!

0 # 5 июля 2012 в 09:10 +2
Марина Попова # 5 июля 2012 в 15:37 +2
Ольга Кельчина # 6 июля 2012 в 17:00 +2
Здорово!!! super
Марина Попова # 7 июля 2012 в 13:40 +1

Благодарю, Оленька!

Татьяна Тюменцева # 7 июля 2012 в 07:36 +2
8422cb221749211514c22c137ac103f1 soln
Марина Попова # 7 июля 2012 в 13:41 +1

Благодарю, Танюша!

Николай Угроватый # 7 июля 2012 в 21:55 +2
Английским владею в совершенстве... с переводчиком...
Марина Попова # 14 июля 2012 в 09:11 +2
Татьяна Лаптева # 17 июля 2012 в 07:52 +3
Не могу читать, но хочу выразить восхищение тебе - какая ты молодец, Мариночка!
Марина Попова # 18 июля 2012 в 12:56 +2

Танюша! Спасибо тебе, Солнышко!
Ты же у меня её читала на русском

Даю ссылку:

Лидия Гржибовская # 20 июля 2012 в 10:59 +3
Марина Попова # 21 июля 2012 в 14:34 +2

Спасибо, Лидочка, за чудесную открытку и добрые слова!

Наталия Гордейко # 31 июля 2012 в 07:40 +2
МАРИНА, ПРОСТО СУПЕР!!!))) buket3 super

- Сколько же я потеряла времени! -раскаялась она. - Сердце замёрзло, про ребёнка забыла!
И она из своего сердца все обиды отпустила. И в её сердце вернулось тепло, а в душу мир. А когда в душе поселился мир, она сразу встретила того, единственного. Он признался ей, что " так давно ждал, когда она осушит море слёз вокруг себя, и он сможет к ней подойти"! И лишь в этот момент она поняла, что ей не плакать надо было, а радоваться случившемуся.


Марина Попова # 31 июля 2012 в 16:54 +2

Спасибо, Наташенька!
Что здесь можно добавить...

Надежда Бурцева # 5 августа 2012 в 18:28 +2
buket7 best flower

buket1 konfety7 girlkiss
Марина Попова # 5 августа 2012 в 19:24 0
hi tort3 5min
Элиана Долинная # 11 августа 2012 в 01:12 +1
Бесподобно! Улыбаюсь...)))
Марина Дементьева # 25 августа 2012 в 18:49 +1
Жаль, что не владею англитом на таком уровне...
А то бы прочитала 625530bdc4096c98467b2e0537a7c9cd sad scratch podargo
Марина Попова # 26 августа 2012 в 08:46 0
юрий елистратов # 2 сентября 2012 в 14:03 +1
Спасибо за поздравление - очень я расчувствоался!
Теперь другое!
Женщины думают, что слёзы их СИЛЬНОЕ ОРУЖИЕ!
А вот мнение моей бабушки. Она всегда шутила:
Может таким образом и выходят все горести!
Извините за шутку!
А почему ИН ИНГЛИШ? Тут все на русском говорят!
А?????????????????????? cry flo
Марина Попова # 2 сентября 2012 в 16:58 0
zyy flower
Галина Карташова # 5 сентября 2012 в 19:52 +1
Красиво! И иллюстрации замечательные.

Марина Попова # 6 сентября 2012 в 05:41 0

Благодарю, Галина!

Наталья Боровик # 18 сентября 2012 в 07:49 +1
Мариночка, не перестаю восхищаться вашими творениями. У вас очень богатое воображение и потрясающее жизнелюбие. live1 9c054147d5a8ab5898d1159f9428261c
Марина Попова # 18 сентября 2012 в 10:09 0

Спасибо, Наташенька, Небесам!
Ноосфера, как говорил Вернадский,

Татьяна Шереметева # 15 октября 2012 в 14:42 +1
Марина Попова # 16 октября 2012 в 06:30 0
RiPrisZa # 4 декабря 2012 в 08:30 +1
she didn’t have to cry any more, because she loved. She loved her son. She loved Him. She loved her past. If it hadn’t been for her past, she would not have met the one she dreamed of all her life. And she loved her destiny. She became happy. When she became happy she loved the whole World. And she forgot about tears forevermore.

любовь все долготерпит и прощает, потому что она настоящая... пусть слезы будут только от радости, а крик от восхищения!

Марина Попова # 4 декабря 2012 в 13:36 0
Благодарю, Ирина!
ТАТЬЯНА СП # 18 марта 2013 в 12:59 +1
As for me, it is wonderful! And truthful...
"She loved her past... She became happy. When she became happy she loved the whole World. And she forgot about tears forevermore."!!!
Марина Попова # 18 марта 2013 в 13:12 0
Ольга Баранова # 14 августа 2014 в 20:42 +1
At the beginning of the story I first thought ой!)))
Когда начала читать, одна фраза вдруг напомнила мне сказку о волшебном горшочке, попавшем в плохие руки... каша варилась без остановки и заполнила сначала дом, улицу и т.д. ))
"Her tears were about to flood the whole World.."

Интересная сказка, Марина! Мудрая..
Марина Попова # 3 сентября 2014 в 15:29 0
Благодарю, Оленька! Очень интересная идея!