Legend of the Tortoise and the Roaring Lion. (Baikal legends)

21 февраля 2016 - Надежда Колесникова
Long, long ago when the world was young and the people hadn’t come yet
Baikal the Great possessed supernatural power. He had many daughters and sons, 337 they were. Angara the Beauty was the naughtiest but the dearest of them.
                By day she was bright - brighter than the sky,
                By night she was dark - darker than storm clouds.
  She happened to fall in love with Yenisei the Mighty. She asked Father to let her marry the beloved but Baikal the Great considered Irkut the Proud to be the best husband for her. So he locked his willful child in rocks.  Not only was Angara the Beauty strikingly beautiful but she was also extremely intelligent. She kept on thinking and hit on the plan of sending Tortoise the Wise and Lion the Fearless for
                high-water rivers and crystal springs,
                cascading waterfalls and murmurous rivulets,
                mountain streams and woodland brooks
to gather and help her out. So they did. And the maiden rushed towards her sweetheart, Yenisei the Mighty.
                There arouse the Father,
                Splashed the waves and cracked the rocks.
                And the fiery storm broke out,
                All the dwellers cried out,
                Horror came down to the Earth.
   But for all his might and greatness he could do nothing. Such was his grief that he struck Tortoise the Wise and Lion the Fearless and turned them into boulders.
   Gone are those days...but up to now they stand near the shore of Lake Baikal and bless coming newlyweds.
                It is the Tortoise who shares wisdom with them,
                It is the Lion who shares courage with them,
                It is the slim Birch on the Tortoise’s back who reminds you
                that Love is forever but is to be cared.
                And the native people say, “Blessed are the pure in heart”.

© Copyright: Надежда Колесникова, 2016

Регистрационный номер №0331201

от 21 февраля 2016

[Скрыть] Регистрационный номер 0331201 выдан для произведения: Long, long ago when the world was young and the people hadn’t come yet
Baikal the Great possessed supernatural power. He had many daughters and sons, 337 they were. Angara the Beauty was the naughtiest but the dearest of them.
                By day she was bright - brighter than the sky,
                By night she was dark - darker than storm clouds.
  She happened to fall in love with Yenisei the Mighty. She asked Father to let her marry the beloved but Baikal the Great considered Irkut the Proud to be the best husband for her. So he locked his willful child in rocks.  Not only was Angara the Beauty strikingly beautiful but she was also extremely intelligent. She kept on thinking and hit on the plan of sending Tortoise the Wise and Lion the Fearless for
                high-water rivers and crystal springs,
                cascading waterfalls and murmurous rivulets,
                mountain streams and woodland brooks
to gather and help her out. So they did. And the maiden rushed towards her sweetheart, Yenisei the Mighty.
                There arouse the Father,
                Splashed the waves and cracked the rocks.
                And the fiery storm broke out,
                All the dwellers cried out,
                Horror came down to the Earth.
   But for all his might and greatness he could do nothing. Such was his grief that he struck Tortoise the Wise and Lion the Fearless and turned them into boulders.
   Gone are those days...but up to now they stand near the shore of Lake Baikal and bless coming newlyweds.
                It is the Tortoise who shares wisdom with them,
                It is the Lion who shares courage with them,
                It is the slim Birch on the Tortoise’s back who reminds you
                that Love is forever but is to be cared.
                And the native people say, “Blessed are the pure in heart”.
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