"Before" and "After"!

2 января 2020 - Anabella Go

I am a child of parents, one of whom (dad) was born a month before the war 41 years, and the second (mom) - a post-war child. "Before" and "After"!
I'm a post-war kid, too! I was born in Soviet times. Peace time! It wasn't easy either. Borders were "closed". There were enough difficulties. Only... there was no war! It was easy to go to school, create families, raise children... 
But..., after all, I might not have been born, if then (in the 41st) my father was not exchanged by the Germans for a horse and cart that was in the household of my father's parents. The drunken German held him in his arms, tossed him up, then caught him... For a long time he did not give the child to my grandmother (my father's mother). Then he saw a horse standing in the yard, harnessed to a cart, and pointed at it. My grandmother (my father's mother) nodded without hesitation. The German immediately gave the little dad to my grandmother, giving her a chocolate bar. When the other Germans came up, they all left together in a cart drawn by a single horse. My dad survived because he was traded for this very horse. The grandmother could not come to her senses for a long time, clutching her son to her...
Without a horse, the farm became even more difficult. A very difficult time. Back then, even children had to work to survive...
The Germans simply passed through the village (from South to North), going to Moscow. This village then belonged to the Moscow region ( in Soviet times, it became Tula). The Germans entered the village when the grandmother and her younger children were left alone. My grandfather (my father's father) and his older sons (my father's brothers) have already gone to the front to fight for their native land. After the war, my grandfather returned home with a serious wound. One of my dad's brothers came home, too, and his other brother died...
I can't remember that time, of course. But... knowing this, how can I forget that I wouldn't have been born?...
Свидетельство о публикации №220010200494 

© Copyright: Anabella Go, 2020

Регистрационный номер №0464625

от 2 января 2020

[Скрыть] Регистрационный номер 0464625 выдан для произведения:
I am a child of parents, one of whom (dad) was born a month before the war 41 years, and the second (mom) - a post-war child. "Before" and "After"!
I'm a post-war kid, too! I was born in Soviet times. Peace time! It wasn't easy either. Borders were "closed". There were enough difficulties. Only... there was no war! It was easy to go to school, create families, raise children... 
But..., after all, I might not have been born, if then (in the 41st) my father was not exchanged by the Germans for a horse and cart that was in the household of my father's parents. The drunken German held him in his arms, tossed him up, then caught him... For a long time he did not give the child to my grandmother (my father's mother). Then he saw a horse standing in the yard, harnessed to a cart, and pointed at it. My grandmother (my father's mother) nodded without hesitation. The German immediately gave the little dad to my grandmother, giving her a chocolate bar. When the other Germans came up, they all left together in a cart drawn by a single horse. My dad survived because he was traded for this very horse. The grandmother could not come to her senses for a long time, clutching her son to her...
Without a horse, the farm became even more difficult. A very difficult time. Back then, even children had to work to survive...
The Germans simply passed through the village (from South to North), going to Moscow. This village then belonged to the Moscow region ( in Soviet times, it became Tula). The Germans entered the village when the grandmother and her younger children were left alone. My grandfather (my father's father) and his older sons (my father's brothers) have already gone to the front to fight for their native land. After the war, my grandfather returned home with a serious wound. One of my dad's brothers came home, too, and his other brother died...
I can't remember that time, of course. But... knowing this, how can I forget that I wouldn't have been born?...
Свидетельство о публикации №220010200494 
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