The narrowest Path I have followed with You...

18 марта 2016 - Ингвар Йохансон

“The narrowest Path I have followed with You
 to find where is the best Place to explore.
The happiest Day which I hoped is due
to my humble Efforts no less no more...”
“The glamorous Battle  has an endless Delay.
You need neither Path anymore nor a Flight.
 You won’t see here  any kind of Decay.
Calm down my Servant, calm down my Knight!”
Oh, Dream! Oh, my steady Temptation in Life!
The Light in the darkness, the Stone of hell –
to have or to be? to possess or to strive?
The Love is a Remedy, Freedom or Spell?
So, how resolve this unsolvable Split?
The Battle with Love is a Gambit a bit…


© Copyright: Ингвар Йохансон, 2016

Регистрационный номер №0334482

от 18 марта 2016

[Скрыть] Регистрационный номер 0334482 выдан для произведения: “The narrowest Path I have followed with You
 to find where is the best Place to explore.
The happiest Day which I hoped is due
to my humble Efforts no less no more...”
“The glamorous Battle  has an endless Delay.
You need neither Path anymore nor a Flight.
 You won’t see here  any kind of Decay.
Calm down my Servant, calm down my Knight!”
Oh, Dream! Oh, my steady Temptation in Life!
The Light in the darkness, the Stone of hell –
to have or to be? to possess or to strive?
The Love is a Remedy, Freedom or Spell?
So, how resolve this unsolvable Split?
The Battle with Love is a Gambit a bit…
Рейтинг: +1 374 просмотра
Комментарии (2)
Ирина Лейшгольд # 18 марта 2016 в 02:57 0
to have or to be? to possess or to strive?

Наверное, все-таки, TO BE
Ингвар Йохансон # 18 марта 2016 в 03:02 0
may be...)