Forget-me-nots were in your glance...

18 марта 2016 - Ингвар Йохансон

Forget-me-nots were in your glance.
Perhaps I saw you in a city.
No game, no prize? And no pity!
Cause prudence is not a love-lance.
My conscience is like dirty mirror:
you won’t see yourself inside!
And only I keep in my mind
a legend where you are hero.
But reason tricks (”What kind of mall?”),
my sensor system is on duty:
 is anywhere  “Sleeping Beauty”,
not-watching-me, may be, at all?
If Memorizing is like torture,
Forgetting is like cruel vulture.


© Copyright: Ингвар Йохансон, 2016

Регистрационный номер №0334483

от 18 марта 2016

[Скрыть] Регистрационный номер 0334483 выдан для произведения: Forget-me-nots were in your glance.
Perhaps I saw you in a city.
No game, no prize? And no pity!
Cause prudence is not a love-lance.
My conscience is like dirty mirror:
you won’t see yourself inside!
And only I keep in my mind
a legend where you are hero.
But reason tricks (”What kind of mall?”),
my sensor system is on duty:
 is anywhere  “Sleeping Beauty”,
not-watching-me, may be, at all?
If Memorizing is like torture,
Forgetting is like cruel vulture.
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