Refresh you memory and please!

2 декабря 2013 - Валерий Сикорский
To Denise Leckie.

Refresh your memory and, please,
Remember day and place
You brought me and I met Denise-
In life my "hardest case!"
Remember Case her screaming face?
It, since, my ears block:
"Who is the man, in car my stays!?"
That time you got first shock!
What happened little later then...
Like run against the clock:
"I take the care for the man!"
You got a second shock!
Who is she? what is Upper Hut?
And who could tell me why
That unique came into my heart
As burning star from sky?
We all sometime through living pass-
Forgive my clumsy verse-
But we alive and front of us
Immortal Universe!
And on conclusion, to the space,
I need to mention this:
"Thanks very much! Спасибо, Case,
For gift with name Denise!"

© Copyright: Валерий Сикорский, 2013

Регистрационный номер №0172702

от 2 декабря 2013

[Скрыть] Регистрационный номер 0172702 выдан для произведения: To Denise Leckie.

Refresh your memory and, please,
Remember day and place
You brought me and I met Denise-
In life my "hardest case!"
Remember Case her screaming face?
It, since, my ears block:
"Who is the man, in car my stays!?"
That time you got first shock!
What happened little later then...
Like run against the clock:
"I take the care for the man!"
You got a second shock!
Who is she? what is Upper Hut?
And who could tell me why
That unique came into my heart
As burning star from sky?
We all sometime through living pass-
Forgive my clumsy verse-
But we alive and front of us
Immortal Universe!
And on conclusion, to the space,
I need to mention this:
"Thanks very much! Спасибо, Case,
For gift with name Denise!"
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