I love you, Darling, so much!

2 декабря 2013 - Валерий Сикорский
To Denise Leckie

I love you, Darling, so much
As soul, as my fate,
That every second with you touch,
For me, in Heaven made.
It does not matter what a life
We having on the earth.
You in eternity my wife!
You are my biggest worth!
And does not matter what it cost,
What was, will be and due.
I found everything, I lost,
That day when I met you!
Doesn't know boundary line
The heart when one in love.
All universe is yours and mine.
And this for us enough!

© Copyright: Валерий Сикорский, 2013

Регистрационный номер №0172700

от 2 декабря 2013

[Скрыть] Регистрационный номер 0172700 выдан для произведения: To Denise Leckie

I love you, Darling, so much
As soul, as my fate,
That every second with you touch,
For me, in Heaven made.
It does not matter what a life
We having on the earth.
You in eternity my wife!
You are my biggest worth!
And does not matter what it cost,
What was, will be and due.
I found everything, I lost,
That day when I met you!
Doesn't know boundary line
The heart when one in love.
All universe is yours and mine.
And this for us enough!
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