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The bird flies through the forest in the night

9 сентября 2019 - Aurora Borealis



The bird flies through the forest in the night
She is trying to find an undying light.
She does not know that the light is so short
It's like her dreams among the snows.

Oh little bird, you fly through the days,
You see a beautiful palace.
Sit down, sing and just have a rest
The night will be dark like the depth in the lakes.

© Copyright: Aurora Borealis, 2019

Регистрационный номер №0457028

от 9 сентября 2019

[Скрыть] Регистрационный номер 0457028 выдан для произведения:


The bird flies through the forest in the night
She is trying to find an undying light.
She does not know that the light is so short
It's like her dreams among the snows.

Oh little bird, you fly through the days,
You see a beautiful palace.
Sit down, sing and just have a rest
The night will be dark like the depth in the lakes.
Рейтинг: +1 270 просмотров
Комментарии (2)
Василий Акименко # 9 сентября 2019 в 22:43 +1
Why do you write again about little bird? )))

Say me please my little bird, have you any dream?
May be wanna you to eat sweet and cool ice-cream?
Aurora Borealis # 10 сентября 2019 в 08:15 +1
hihi Ой,точно laugh Совсем забыла, что уже выкладывала на данном ресурсе данное произведение smajlik-3 Спасибо, Василий, за внимательность c0411