Apraxia ( excerpt )

23 мая 2016 - Игорь Коркин



Chapter 1

- And now we become one after another as cars at an engine, and we go, we go, we go! - the loud, joyful voice of the father ringleader of all family holidays never left store rooms of my consciousness, in extreme moments of life emerging on a surface.
- Where we go, the father? – the younger little sister Alina was interested, not childly correcting an airy cream dress.
- A way of appointment – the double star of MHIIIZ in hundreds of times exceeding the extent of the Sun, - the father assured and often I tripped legs on the imagined cross ties, - chu-chu-chu-chu, - and all of us picked up, imitating beep of the engine rolling, long "at-uuuu".
- Whether far this star, mister astrophysicist? – mother, tired of "travel", smiled, - and cross ties are laid only on Earth, how on them in the sky?
- Far, even the phrase "very much far" is absolutely incorrect in debate on this subject - the star is in several billion astronomical units, a dazzle light from her people of Earth will never see because of transition of our blue planet in a phase "the red giant" by then.
- Then how scientists have opened this celestial body? – I was connected, trying to use the knowledge gained from the father professor.
- All calculations of trajectories of the movement of galaxies confirm this fact, the Lord, but not all scientists want to refuse this model of the Universe, including – she is too convenient to the theory of a Big Bang for many.
- By the way, whether the Universe is infinite and than this is so important for people mega a star? – mother wasn't appeased.
- There are things which nobody not in forces to comprehend, and cross ties in the sky will lay soon. There is a number of proofs that four and a half billion years ago when Earth was created, MHIIIZ was at the minimum distance from Earth and influenced origin of biological processes in a radius of several honeycombs billions of light years so, process is already started. How it occurs - unclear, but there is a hypothesis that life to us artificially has been brought from the outside and also copes the principal reason. But there are also other, later calculations: mega the star has sharply changed a trajectory and moves towards our galaxy.
- Who at us such clever estimator? – the sister smiled.
- And so he, before you, the daughter.
We usually agreed with the fatherly irrepressible imagination and in exhaustion of drop on an old leather sofa with the burst rectangular mirror in the middle.
All this has once again swept in memory live paints as though the died parents have revived and for some time have moved in my head, previously having reduced in sizes to tiny forms – as if puppet theater with a projection to one viewer, that is, me. This time on top of a floor there were rails with cross ties, so real that the father after each circle bent and touched them to prove house gravity and relevance of the theory. Having fallen to a sofa, I began to choke suddenly, and, having aggregated forces, have found out that there are no relatives, as there is no my reflection in a mirror also. When hands have seized strong brown skin of a sofa, the weak sound reminding digging of a hole a shovel has reached. The lack of air finally made active an organism on fight. Skin of a sofa was replaced with several splinters about nestruganny boards, hands have groped the wedding suit which all right is cut out and sewed by the local dressmaker. I have sharply raised the head, расшиб the forehead about a firm subject and has landed on a soft pillow, besides bones of a backbone and the right elbow intolerably painfully ached. Cry of despair was ready to break from my lips, however the lack of oxygen has allowed to turn over only sideways and to make a small breath widely open mouth. In two-three minutes during which the sound of a shovel became more accurate suspicions have come true, and the horror was added cold then: I was in a wooden box under the name "coffin", and the walls which are hastily upholstered with the new, smelling of rural shop fabric confirmed this vile fact. The only ray of hope were diggers who, perhaps, knew that I am living, and were ready to release the prisoner.
The consciousness has instantly returned an event picture the day before. It happened so that me, the graduate of technical training college, the seventeen-year-old electrician as a part of crew from three people was sent on repair of a site of a power line to one of extreme villages of the area. On the way employees have well refueled and as have arrived to the place in the evening, villagers managed to wake in the morning only me, they also have offered the services instead of unfortunate electricians. After short instructing, I have taken the portly big fellow in workmates and together with him have gone to repair, have put the second for a working support instead of the plate "on the line people work". In several hours light was given, and happy peasants have decided to thank city electricians. Ten years which have contained service in Army flight school and one unsuccessful contract haven't stuck together from me the fighter - finally, blue captain's shoulder straps have returned me to the same area on the same position.

                                                                                  to be continued


© Copyright: Игорь Коркин, 2016

Регистрационный номер №0342556

от 23 мая 2016

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Chapter 1

- And now we become one after another as cars at an engine, and we go, we go, we go! - the loud, joyful voice of the father ringleader of all family holidays never left store rooms of my consciousness, in extreme moments of life emerging on a surface.
- Where we go, the father? – the younger little sister Alina was interested, not childly correcting an airy cream dress.
- A way of appointment – the double star of MHIIIZ in hundreds of times exceeding the extent of the Sun, - the father assured and often I tripped legs on the imagined cross ties, - chu-chu-chu-chu, - and all of us picked up, imitating beep of the engine rolling, long "at-uuuu".
- Whether far this star, mister astrophysicist? – mother, tired of "travel", smiled, - and cross ties are laid only on Earth, how on them in the sky?
- Far, even the phrase "very much far" is absolutely incorrect in debate on this subject - the star is in several billion astronomical units, a dazzle light from her people of Earth will never see because of transition of our blue planet in a phase "the red giant" by then.
- Then how scientists have opened this celestial body? – I was connected, trying to use the knowledge gained from the father professor.
- All calculations of trajectories of the movement of galaxies confirm this fact, the Lord, but not all scientists want to refuse this model of the Universe, including – she is too convenient to the theory of a Big Bang for many.
- By the way, whether the Universe is infinite and than this is so important for people mega a star? – mother wasn't appeased.
- There are things which nobody not in forces to comprehend, and cross ties in the sky will lay soon. There is a number of proofs that four and a half billion years ago when Earth was created, MHIIIZ was at the minimum distance from Earth and influenced origin of biological processes in a radius of several honeycombs billions of light years so, process is already started. How it occurs - unclear, but there is a hypothesis that life to us artificially has been brought from the outside and also copes the principal reason. But there are also other, later calculations: mega the star has sharply changed a trajectory and moves towards our galaxy.
- Who at us such clever estimator? – the sister smiled.
- And so he, before you, the daughter.
We usually agreed with the fatherly irrepressible imagination and in exhaustion of drop on an old leather sofa with the burst rectangular mirror in the middle.
All this has once again swept in memory live paints as though the died parents have revived and for some time have moved in my head, previously having reduced in sizes to tiny forms – as if puppet theater with a projection to one viewer, that is, me. This time on top of a floor there were rails with cross ties, so real that the father after each circle bent and touched them to prove house gravity and relevance of the theory. Having fallen to a sofa, I began to choke suddenly, and, having aggregated forces, have found out that there are no relatives, as there is no my reflection in a mirror also. When hands have seized strong brown skin of a sofa, the weak sound reminding digging of a hole a shovel has reached. The lack of air finally made active an organism on fight. Skin of a sofa was replaced with several splinters about nestruganny boards, hands have groped the wedding suit which all right is cut out and sewed by the local dressmaker. I have sharply raised the head, расшиб the forehead about a firm subject and has landed on a soft pillow, besides bones of a backbone and the right elbow intolerably painfully ached. Cry of despair was ready to break from my lips, however the lack of oxygen has allowed to turn over only sideways and to make a small breath widely open mouth. In two-three minutes during which the sound of a shovel became more accurate suspicions have come true, and the horror was added cold then: I was in a wooden box under the name "coffin", and the walls which are hastily upholstered with the new, smelling of rural shop fabric confirmed this vile fact. The only ray of hope were diggers who, perhaps, knew that I am living, and were ready to release the prisoner.
The consciousness has instantly returned an event picture the day before. It happened so that me, the graduate of technical training college, the seventeen-year-old electrician as a part of crew from three people was sent on repair of a site of a power line to one of extreme villages of the area. On the way employees have well refueled and as have arrived to the place in the evening, villagers managed to wake in the morning only me, they also have offered the services instead of unfortunate electricians. After short instructing, I have taken the portly big fellow in workmates and together with him have gone to repair, have put the second for a working support instead of the plate "on the line people work". In several hours light was given, and happy peasants have decided to thank city electricians. Ten years which have contained service in Army flight school and one unsuccessful contract haven't stuck together from me the fighter - finally, blue captain's shoulder straps have returned me to the same area on the same position.

                                                                                  to be continued

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