Dignity and nobility is a rare feeling nowadays

15 июля 2019 - Anabella Go

Dignity and nobility is a rare feeling nowadays.
  Dignity and nobility - this is usually what women like in men! Today, these qualities are very rare! A woman, having met such a man, "clings" to him! A man and a woman are usually hostages of the situation, especially if they are in love. It doesn't matter who's in love with whom. Suffer both: and he, and she!
 One man fell in love with a young beauty, gifted and very fond of music, being married at the same time. To achieve the heart of beauty, he promises her "mountains of gold". She believes him! Or... she really wants to believe, but is afraid to make a mistake?! In response, she falls in love! Yes, Yes, she's falling in love! Because she begins to see him as the honour and nobility, appreciating the feelings that he feels for her! There's a fine line here between men who lie and men who think they're telling the truth. Alone, indeed, in advance lie! Think about it, girls! The men who think they're telling the truth are scarier! Believing such a man, having lived with him for a number of years, you can get a strong disappointment! So... a Man fell in love when he was married! Banal situation! Certainly the girl did not suit the role of a mistress, she wanted a normal family, children. A man divorces, not caring about the feelings of his first wife! Wedding! Honeymoon... or year... Both happy!!! He gets pleasure from her youth, she from his noble courtship and generosity! All is well! About the ex-wife no one remembers! 16 years go by... JUST IMAGINE.!! 16 YEARS!!! How many joys and sorrows experienced together! We, unfortunately, do not grow younger with age... Alas! A man who married in adulthood, have to pay attention to their health, and she... She is in the Prime of life! She wants a lot! A man who can not give her everything she wants, gives her the very "mountains of gold" that he promised her once, doing, at the same time, nobly and honestly, as befits a real man! "THE MAN SAID, MAN DID!"There it was! Having done, he regretted it! Changed my mind! This is where the fun begins! His wife, who is still around, takes care of him, whom he once chose and fell in love with, this wife becomes a fraud and a deceiver. 16 years she brought happiness! 16 years – "down the drain"!    
Even buying a cat, when it becomes unnecessary, we do not throw it out on the street, think about his future life, provide it. Throw the wife on the street as a kitten, it's not tricky. ENOUGH! IT IS NOT NEEDED! Only if HE, at the same time, a REAL MAN?! If it suddenly happens that she will not be, he will be the first to shed tears that he lost his beloved woman. BELOVED WOMAN!!! So why is he not trying in life to make her HAPPY?! She will be able to return the warmth of his soul! The man, thus, not only will not lose, but also will get true pleasure which the woman always gives in return. I, of course, do not mean those Mercantile predators of "secular lionesses", as they call themselves, which initially are aimed only at enrichment. But... and in this case, if a man chooses such a woman, then he is to blame himself! Usually such women can be "see through" immediately.
Look into their eyes! EYES DON'T LIE! Only in this case, as a rule, two people lie at once! HE AND SHE! It is easier to check such woman, without having bought her a fur coat or gold ornament in time. But how to check IT, such a man?! He begins to make tempting promises, knowing in advance that he will never fulfill them. He takes advantage of her credulity, as well as her beauty and youth, giving nothing in return for empty promises. So, who's cheating who?! 

       Woman likes "ears"!
    Tell her:

"How dazzlingly good you are!
Everything in you is harmonious!
Beautiful eyes, beautiful soul!
You look just fine!»

After such words she will give you everything!
© Copyright: Анабелла Го, 2019
Свидетельство о публикации №219042500028 

© Copyright: Anabella Go, 2019

Регистрационный номер №0452511

от 15 июля 2019

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Dignity and nobility is a rare feeling nowadays.
  Dignity and nobility - this is usually what women like in men! Today, these qualities are very rare! A woman, having met such a man, "clings" to him! A man and a woman are usually hostages of the situation, especially if they are in love. It doesn't matter who's in love with whom. Suffer both: and he, and she!
 One man fell in love with a young beauty, gifted and very fond of music, being married at the same time. To achieve the heart of beauty, he promises her "mountains of gold". She believes him! Or... she really wants to believe, but is afraid to make a mistake?! In response, she falls in love! Yes, Yes, she's falling in love! Because she begins to see him as the honour and nobility, appreciating the feelings that he feels for her! There's a fine line here between men who lie and men who think they're telling the truth. Alone, indeed, in advance lie! Think about it, girls! The men who think they're telling the truth are scarier! Believing such a man, having lived with him for a number of years, you can get a strong disappointment! So... a Man fell in love when he was married! Banal situation! Certainly the girl did not suit the role of a mistress, she wanted a normal family, children. A man divorces, not caring about the feelings of his first wife! Wedding! Honeymoon... or year... Both happy!!! He gets pleasure from her youth, she from his noble courtship and generosity! All is well! About the ex-wife no one remembers! 16 years go by... JUST IMAGINE.!! 16 YEARS!!! How many joys and sorrows experienced together! We, unfortunately, do not grow younger with age... Alas! A man who married in adulthood, have to pay attention to their health, and she... She is in the Prime of life! She wants a lot! A man who can not give her everything she wants, gives her the very "mountains of gold" that he promised her once, doing, at the same time, nobly and honestly, as befits a real man! "THE MAN SAID, MAN DID!"There it was! Having done, he regretted it! Changed my mind! This is where the fun begins! His wife, who is still around, takes care of him, whom he once chose and fell in love with, this wife becomes a fraud and a deceiver. 16 years she brought happiness! 16 years – "down the drain"!    
Even buying a cat, when it becomes unnecessary, we do not throw it out on the street, think about his future life, provide it. Throw the wife on the street as a kitten, it's not tricky. ENOUGH! IT IS NOT NEEDED! Only if HE, at the same time, a REAL MAN?! If it suddenly happens that she will not be, he will be the first to shed tears that he lost his beloved woman. BELOVED WOMAN!!! So why is he not trying in life to make her HAPPY?! She will be able to return the warmth of his soul! The man, thus, not only will not lose, but also will get true pleasure which the woman always gives in return. I, of course, do not mean those Mercantile predators of "secular lionesses", as they call themselves, which initially are aimed only at enrichment. But... and in this case, if a man chooses such a woman, then he is to blame himself! Usually such women can be "see through" immediately.
Look into their eyes! EYES DON'T LIE! Only in this case, as a rule, two people lie at once! HE AND SHE! It is easier to check such woman, without having bought her a fur coat or gold ornament in time. But how to check IT, such a man?! He begins to make tempting promises, knowing in advance that he will never fulfill them. He takes advantage of her credulity, as well as her beauty and youth, giving nothing in return for empty promises. So, who's cheating who?! 

       Woman likes "ears"!
    Tell her:

"How dazzlingly good you are!
Everything in you is harmonious!
Beautiful eyes, beautiful soul!
You look just fine!»

After such words she will give you everything!
© Copyright: Анабелла Го, 2019
Свидетельство о публикации №219042500028 
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