April, April 25.

9 декабря 2013 - Валерий Сикорский
To Denise Leckie.

April, April 25
Leading you through whole life.
And again, in written verse,
All about Universe.
All about you my dear,
In the first place, was idea.
Heaven sends to you my Queen
An immortal "seventeen!"
And, believing you or not,
I am loving you are lot!
Don't forget about this
Wife-Сикорская Denise!
I love you and every day
Celebrating yours birthday!

© Copyright: Валерий Сикорский, 2013

Регистрационный номер №0173993

от 9 декабря 2013

[Скрыть] Регистрационный номер 0173993 выдан для произведения: To Denise Leckie.

April, April 25
Leading you through whole life.
And again, in written verse,
All about Universe.
All about you my dear,
In the first place, was idea.
Heaven sends to you my Queen
An immortal "seventeen!"
And, believing you or not,
I am loving you are lot!
Don't forget about this
Wife-Сикорская Denise!
I love you and every day
Celebrating yours birthday!
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