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Лиза Лукашина - Rakhmaninovs love

Not a sound 
Will play your dirty soul 
It would be our last lap 
On the map of the world 
Pain inside 
Till our ways divide 
Exposing fear 
Only means that you cannot be strong.

I′m hidden in my cage 
Walking on a razor′s edge 
Where deception is a game
Many people make to aim 
It′s dramatic flame that burns
Every creature even stones
Where salvation sets me free
And I see. 

Call my name 
It′s up, it′s up to you 
Many tears are falling down 
What can i do? 
Call my name 
And for me it′s enough 
The soul breaks into pieces
Of Rakhmaninovs love 

Beam of light 
Illuminating sight 
If you don′t crash all your chains 
You′ll never be free. 
Pain inside 
Till our ways divide 
Exposing fear 
Only means that you cannot be strong.

Rakhmaninovs Love 
Flowns through my soul 
Altering me, making me new

5.12.13 19:43

© Copyright: Необходимо восстановить 5031, 2014

Регистрационный номер №0200025

от 11 марта 2014

[Скрыть] Регистрационный номер 0200025 выдан для произведения: Музыка: Сергей Рахманинов, Тимур Рыжов
Слова: Лиза Лукашина
Вокал: Лиза Лукашина

Приглашаю на мой сайт: www.lizamusic.ru

Not a sound 
Will play your dirty soul 
It would be our last lap 
On the map of the world 
Pain inside 
Till our ways divide 
Exposing fear 
Only means that you cannot be strong.

I′m hidden in my cage 
Walking on a razor′s edge 
Where deception is a game
Many people make to aim 
It′s dramatic flame that burns
Every creature even stones
Where salvation sets me free
And I see. 

Call my name 
It′s up, it′s up to you 
Many tears are falling down 
What can i do? 
Call my name 
And for me it′s enough 
The soul breaks into pieces
Of Rakhmaninovs love 

Beam of light 
Illuminating sight 
If you don′t crash all your chains 
You′ll never be free. 
Pain inside 
Till our ways divide 
Exposing fear 
Only means that you cannot be strong.

Rakhmaninovs Love 
Flowns through my soul 
Altering me, making me new

5.12.13 19:43
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