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Лиза Лукашина - Entirely Yours

Текст песни

Every day and every night
Stay in Jesus, stay alive.
Don′t be bored, become my friend.
This holy party has no end.
This is the story of the King,
He′s the Victor of my sin,
He was betrayed but raised again,
His holy Kingdom has no end. 

Your promise′s put in force
And i′m entirely Yours. 

Everything could be burnt 
In the fire that You′ve owned.
Don′t do abrupt movement 
Don′t do just what you want.

Stop breathing
Love is not easy.

Take cure
Make sure
You′re not alone.
You took your breath
And none the less
You′ve reached your home

© Copyright: Необходимо восстановить 5031, 2014

Регистрационный номер №0200164

от 12 марта 2014

[Скрыть] Регистрационный номер 0200164 выдан для произведения: Музыка: Лиза Лукашина. Слова: Лиза Лукашина

Приглашаю на мой сайт: www.lizamusic.ru

Текст песни

Every day and every night
Stay in Jesus, stay alive.
Don′t be bored, become my friend.
This holy party has no end.
This is the story of the King,
He′s the Victor of my sin,
He was betrayed but raised again,
His holy Kingdom has no end. 

Your promise′s put in force
And i′m entirely Yours. 

Everything could be burnt 
In the fire that You′ve owned.
Don′t do abrupt movement 
Don′t do just what you want.

Stop breathing
Love is not easy.

Take cure
Make sure
You′re not alone.
You took your breath
And none the less
You′ve reached your home

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