History of my life.

Эту поэму я первоночально написал по-русски.
Позже перевёл на  английский. Русское название поэмы "История моей жизни". Публикую оба варианта.

I was credulous, kind from my happy childhood".
God intended to send me to Eden
But apparently  God was asleep or forgot
An a Devil was certainly leading.
A Devil blew up an Eden and I fell down straight
From the sky into the sinful world.
And my father and mother, who are recently died,
Did not put in my brain "Knowledge's gold".
And with a clear mind, really, couldn't I drive
So fast on the unclear roads.
{If just God will be kind have a chance to survive
In a big storm the broken boats}.
As a wire I am in a general range.
Would you tear a firm insulation?
Even - if sitting down on a toilet's bench -
Through the guts pierce often a frustration.
I endeavoured  to step not in step with a crowd.
I didn't want as a blind horse to rush
Because easily distinguished, without a doubt,
Way that leading straight into a marsh.
I rebelled against the disonorablе plots.
Nobody said to me: "that's great!"
On the contrary - for all my compatriots
I became an uncomfortable mate.
If without a rear, reliable friends
You just getting a miserable time.
Any little mistake at your own expense.
Your health costs no more than a dime.
How could I survive under a deadly noise?
If you want I expound in fine:
So, as a salvation - just was no choice -
Yes! I strongly became hooked on wine.
As a logical end - where if is a word
Would be there as a prohibition -
Prosper: the slanders, slyness and artfulness world-
All existing is a demolition.
From the poisonous tattle's an invisible rill-
Where from coming with God just to check -
If I"God forgive! "Would be too weak of a will
I could tighten a loоp to my neck.
I was a hero for a young generation
But because I untimely to fast,
For another respectable part of federation,
I became - pardon! - an outcast.
Everywhere - without the glasses -
Just if turning around a neck
I could catch the inquisitive glances
Front of me and behind my back.
I accustomed to people's attention
Who, about me, "scratched their tongues".
They called me: "An enemy, a friend" - and mentioned:
"Stupid, not a fool, a hooligan,
Biggest shameless person, unpleasant,
Bold, daring, smart, dilettante,
Truthful, as a dog barked, pervert, decent,
woman's slave and a woman's tyrant.
Between cowards-I'm the biggest coward.
And - already foretaste my collapse -
To sum up, that a righteous crowd,
Called me: "Gypsy or Hindu perhaps".
On me burnt what could burn from a tattle
But a soul endured impact.
A soul singed. One could fall in a battle
But a soul endured impact.
And mutually survived with a soul,
As if knowing their  own time,
A piece of heart and, as a charred coal,
Brain that knocking to a temple by rhyme.

© Copyright: Валерий Сикорский, 2016

Регистрационный номер №0345625

от 22 июня 2016

[Скрыть] Регистрационный номер 0345625 выдан для произведения: Эту поэму я первоночально написал по-русски.
Позже перевёл на  английский. Русское название поэмы "История моей жизни". Публикую оба варианта.

I was credulous, kind from my happy childhood".
God intended to send me to Eden
But apparently  God was asleep or forgot
An a Devil was certainly leading.
A Devil blew up an Eden and I fell down straight
From the sky into the sinful world.
And my father and mother, who are recently died,
Did not put in my brain "Knowledge's gold".
And with a clear mind, really, couldn't I drive
So fast on the unclear roads.
{If just God will be kind have a chance to survive
In a big storm the broken boats}.
As a wire I am in a general range.
Would you tear a firm insulation?
Even - if sitting down on a toilet's bench -
Through the guts pierce often a frustration.
I endeavoured  to step not in step with a crowd.
I didn't want as a blind horse to rush
Because easily distinguished, without a doubt,
Way that leading straight into a marsh.
I rebelled against the disonorablе plots.
Nobody said to me: "that's great!"
On the contrary - for all my compatriots
I became an uncomfortable mate.
If without a rear, reliable friends
You just getting a miserable time.
Any little mistake at your own expense.
Your health costs no more than a dime.
How could I survive under a deadly noise?
If you want I expound in fine:
So, as a salvation - just was no choice -
Yes! I strongly became hooked on wine.
As a logical end - where if is a word
Would be there as a prohibition -
Prosper: the slanders, slyness and artfulness world-
All existing is a demolition.
From the poisonous tattle's an invisible rill-
Where from coming with God just to check -
If I"God forgive! "Would be too weak of a will
I could tighten a loоp to my neck.
I was a hero for a young generation
But because I untimely to fast,
For another respectable part of federation,
I became - pardon! - an outcast.
Everywhere - without the glasses -
Just if turning around a neck
I could catch the inquisitive glances
Front of me and behind my back.
I accustomed to people's attention
Who, about me, "scratched their tongues".
They called me: "An enemy, a friend" - and mentioned:
"Stupid, not a fool, a hooligan,
Biggest shameless person, unpleasant,
Bold, daring, smart, dilettante,
Truthful, as a dog barked, pervert, decent,
woman's slave and a woman's tyrant.
Between cowards-I'm the biggest coward.
And - already foretaste my collapse -
To sum up, that a righteous crowd,
Called me: "Gypsy or Hindu perhaps".
On me burnt what could burn from a tattle
But a soul endured impact.
A soul singed. One could fall in a battle
But a soul endured impact.
And mutually survived with a soul,
As if knowing their  own time,
A piece of heart and, as a charred coal,
Brain that knocking to a temple by rhyme.
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